If you have not already changed your password and examined your Yahoo Email account, please do so. This is yet another breach that occurred over two years ago, but is just now being revealed.
This information on protecting your email accounts is again being re-posted for your consideration.
Email Security – Using Web Based Email Safely
Do not reuse usernames and passwords. If one PC or account is compromised, all your accounts can be compromised.
Consider multiple email/chat usernames –
Have a main account where you connect with friends, social networking, politics etc. but never use it for purchases or financial transactions. You can give this out freely.
Do not mix business and pleasure. Keep them separate.
Consider having one exclusive account where you ONLY perform financial transactions.
Always use an exclusive username and password here. Never link that account to social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn.
Consider throw away accounts, and use them when you are unsure of those you are dealing with. Email accounts are generally available free from Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, Google etc.
Often your Internet Provider (Time Warner, Verizon, Etc.) gives you free accounts. (but remember, you loose these if you change Internet providers, so don’t use them as your main account)
Create an exclusive account for on-line purchases. Unfortunately many security threats come from merchants who don’t value security highly enough and your information can be stolen. Eg: The Sony Gaming Fiasco, LinkedIn, eHarmony, Heartbleed, Target, Ebay all have suffered data breaches.
Using Credit Cards for Online Purchases
Consider using a special service from your Bank or Credit Card Provider that creates a temporary virtual credit card alias linked to your account for online purchases, if they are available. Eg:” Safeshop” from Bank of America, Citibank’s “Virtual Account Numbers”, Discover Card’s “Secure Online Account Numbers”. Tell your bank you want such a service if they don’t already provide it. Don’t trust vendors, merchants and credit card possessors to keep your information secure.
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